Student Charter
Statement of Intent
Initio Learning Trust is committed to ensuring that all students access and undertake meaningful and life-enhancing curricular and extracurricular activities. The ‘5Cs model’ is designed to enable all students to flourish within their personal development and is underpinned by the values of collaboration, ambition and respect.
The 5Cs
Rich experiences within the school curriculum, subjects and school day:
- Access extra-curricular experiences from a range of subjects
- Engage with a variety of clubs
- Be provided with a variety of opportunities to represent the school
- Participate in a STEAM event (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths)
- Prepare a presentation to deliver to a live audience
- Experience a range of trips and visits linked to curriculum and developing local, national and global awareness.
Active participation within the school and the local community, also nationally and internationally:
- Be active in creating a welcoming and inclusive school community
- Learn how to create and foster respectful, positive relationships
- Volunteer in the local community
- Be a respectful member of the local community when representing the school
- Represent your class, house, year or whole school in an event
- Have your views taken into account through student voice and positions of responsibility within the school’s student leadership structure
- Promote and celebrate clubs or groups within the wider community.
Participation in activities and events that promote character, skills and celebrate diversity and inclusion:
- Promote a culture which is ambitious by demonstrating resilience and a dedication to learning and achievement
- Broaden horizons and understanding through the curriculum and events that reflect upon different values and beliefs
- Appreciate, respect and promote protected characteristics and value diversity
- Expand cultural awareness in the arts, humanities and sciences through visits, events and performances
- Attend an event led by an inspirational speaker
September 2024 (MCO)
- Access curricular and extra-curricular learning that promotes positive self-image and confidence
Courageous Advocacy
Developing resilience and championing British Values:
- Be empowered to create change in local, national and global communities
- Advocate for, help organise and take part in charity events
- Be aware of issues affecting the world we live in
- Take on leadership responsibility
- Become an ally, ambassador, mentor or buddy to help and support others
- Develop knowledge of Britain's Parliamentary system and the wider role of democracy.
Careers and Futures
Participate in ambitious and diverse careers education and training:
- Learn about careers and education pathways through the curriculum
- Enjoy engaging, hands-on experiences from real-life pathways including STEAM
- Engage with a specialist advisor to understand opportunities available
- Attend a presentation by a Further or Higher Education provider
- Attend a talk or event led by an inspirational speaker on careers, education and the world of work
- Develop skills such as enterprise, financial awareness and life skills
- Be able to make informed choices when planning for the future.